How it works

Be part of a better market.

FareMarket makes it easy to find local food. Every week, we visit farms and food businesses throughout Arkansas for fresh produce, meat, dairy, bread, and more. With expert knowledge in every product description alongside our customer chat support, we're here to help make your local food experience as personal as possible.

Local Delivery
in the Little Rock area

Order online
local food just a tap away

Up to 15% Off
for members

Local Delivery
in the Little Rock area.

Order online
the farm is just a tap away.

Every membership
sends local food to food deserts.

Up to 15% off
for our amazing members!

The farm delivered right to your door.

The farm delivered to your door.

FareMarket offers a mixture of locally-sourced groceries and natural and organic grocery items. When local favorites are out of season–or for items not grown or crafted in Arkansas–we work with a national distributor to fill the gap.

Local items are clearly labeled in our collections with the Arkansas Grown or Arkansas Made logos. The season for some items, like Arkansas strawberries, are as short as 5 weeks. Join our mailing list to be the first to know when something new and exciting hits our digital shelves.

The flavors you've been dreaming of.

From late April to early September, find us at the Bernice Garden Farmers Market in SOMA. We love to meet our customers in person and talk shop!

We also work diligently to launch new food businesses, whether that's a new urban farm or a creamery whipping up Arkansas-made butters and creams.

We organize these new enterprises into consumer cooperatives and offer community buy-in for local citizens! Follow our blog for updates on our cooperative development progress and successes.

Become a member

To increase access to sustainable, fresh, local food in food deserts, we need your help. Our future depends on building sustainable economies, and membership is our hammer.

FareMarket's ability to deliver locally-sourced groceries in Little Rock's food deserts is acheived through our mutual aid memberships. Become a sustaining member today!

Follow along on Instagram: #faremarketlr